
We are very happy to finally be able to organise this new edition of IWNBP, which should have initially taken place in 2021.

The present Workshop is indeed the continuation of the previous "International Workshops on Nano and Bio-Photonics" (IWNBP), which were held every two years since 2011, everytime in a different place in France.

Wouldn't it be nice? For this return edition, we have chosen the town of Evian, world famous for its mineral water and ideally located on the shores of Lake Geneva at the foot of the Alps.

As  in previous editions, this conference will offer an excellent forum for the state of art presentations by invited speakers, leading specialists in the field of photonics. Most recent developments, progress and achievements realised in the fields covered by the conference will be presented in plenary lectures, keynote conferences and short oral contributions as well as in poster sessions. An important amount of time will be devoted to discussions!

As the conference participants will be housed on the same site, contacts between them will be greatly facilitated, which will enrich the discussions and also facilitate the start of scientific collaborations.

As usual during the IWNBP, a day trip will be organised.


Information on registration

Registration is only possible on line on the website (Registration page).

You must first create an account on the platform then fill in the registration form on line. We will then receive your request for registration. Registration will be complete at paiement.

At the end of the process you will be asked to proceed to payment, which cannot be done through the site. Payment can be made either by bank transfer to the address indicated, on arrival by cheque or cash only (no cards), or by sending a "bon de commande" (French institutions only) to yann.bretonniere[at] or chantal.andraud[at] If you need a quote, please contact us at these addresses.

Registration fees includes full attendance, shuttles, excursion and banquet

  • For regular participant: 300 €
  • For PhD student, postdoc under 30 of age: 200 €

Wifi in the room on request (add. 50 € for the week)

Full board accommodation including coffee breaks for 5 nights (25/09-30/09/2022) is possible at the congress venue (Club Les Rives Du Léman).

  • Single room accommodation will cost 565 € for 5 nights
  • Shared double room accommodation will cost 500 € for 5 nights / person

Accompanying persons are welcome with full-board accomodation at Club Les Rives Du Léman for 685 € (incl. 5 nights from 25/09 to 30/09/2022, shuttles, excursion and banquet). If more than one accompanying person: please contact us directly.



Important Information

Online registration and abstract submissions are  now close !


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